


Dear Friends,

The irresistible need to find ourselves with what so comforts our soul is fundamentally a kind of interior geography. What a beautiful challenge, to have the cartography of the world, so that we can travel in it. The journey is the departure for each of the discoveries, which leave us with impressions of enormous magnitude.

During this trip that I make with each of my dear friends, the joy they transmit to me has never been so clear and evident, with a simple walk through places that could even be well known. Every step and every new opportunity is of enormous value and definitely allows us to savor the taste of simple things. Everything that was so common to us now brings us a kind of engine in this new contemplation of the world.

We went through tremendous times, and this was a year where, with pride, I can guarantee that our team was up to a challenge like the one we lived. My DEEP BEM HAJAM to the dedication, commitment, effort and determination that each one, within their roles, has shown. I couldn't be happier, in fact we have a team that deserves my biggest applause. Each step that we take together, enhances our True Traveller, was, is, and will be built by hand, with a lot of tenacity, suffering, courage, nobility and definitely, what unites us is in fact an eternal bond of LOVE!

                                        “the best stories are found between the pages of a passport”

Um XIIIIIIII enorme! Fátima C. Brízio

WE have your dream TRAVEL