
WE celebrate 4rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT!


On December 20th 2020 we celebrated the Fourth Sunday of Advent!

In this last week before Christmas, the liturgy reminds us of the wait for the Prophets and Mary, and prepares us to celebrate the birth of Jesus of Bethlehem!

In this Sunday's reading, the prophet Isaiah presents the Lord as the strong, advisable, admirable and prince of peace God! Show us that in the kingdom of God, the boy born in Bethlehem, comes to bring the kingdom of peace, truth, justice, love, holiness, grace and freedom!

The Church also reflects on the announcement of the birth of Jesus to Joseph and Mary. Everyone is invited to imitate Mary, the "Virgin of Advent", who from that "Yes" to the angel, for nine months, humbly prepared her home and her heart to have the Savior in her arms.

In a family environment, it is recommended that all preparations be made with the firm purpose of accepting Jesus in the home, in the community, at work, etc. Gathered together, it is time to light the fourth and last candle in the Advent wreath, the candle of the Teaching of the Prophets that announce justice and peace. The color of the last candle is purple.

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